Desktop wallet
Desktop wallets provide a better level of security than online wallets as they are downloaded and installed on a single computer. The funds related to an account can only be accessed through that device which makes it a bit secure at the cost of convenience. However, it is also vulnerable to hacking if the computer gets compromised.
You can download the desktop wallet for GPN here
How to use
Download a release depending on your OS. Example for Windows
Unzip the files to a convenient place for you
Start instalation process by opening "gamepass-qt". Select folder where Gamepass core will store its data
If this is your first run of the wallet, generate a Recovery Passphrase by clicking the "Generate" button. You need to keep that words in safe place!
(Optional) You can enter an additional password in the Recovery Passphrase field to protect your seed phrase. ( keep it safe! )
To encrypt your wallet file (wallet.dat) you need to set password ( keep it safe! )
Get your receiving addresses by clicking "file" and "receiving addresses". Press "New" and "OK" (Label is optional)
To send coins to another wallet you need to wait to full synchronisation with blockchain
Once synchronisation is complete, you can send the coins by clicking the "Send" button with the address and the number of coins
Last updated